(054 11) 4814 -5117 | em@estudiomichelson.com.ar
More than eighty five years of recognize experience in the field of business counselling constitute a unique precedent of Estudio Michelson..
Its founder, Dr. Guillermo Michelson, participated from the academic scope and as an outstanding member since 1958 and until his death, in 1975, of the different Special Committees of commercial legislation that deeply modified the Argentine Commercial Law.
Argentina’s current Insurance Act and Business Corporations Act, among others, were drafted by those Special Committees. As a Committee member, Dr. Michelson participated in the modification and drafting of new legislation related to Bank Contracts, Commercial Agents, Negotiable Instruments, Transfer of Commercial Funds, Trust, Unfair Competition, and Bankruptcy Proceedings, etc.
En un contexto de globalización de los mercados, el Estudio se ha especializado en un aspecto de innegable trascendencia: la resolución de conflictos mediante el uso de métodos extrajudiciales, como la negociación, la mediación y el arbitraje. Así lo demuestra la dilatada experiencia que sus integrantes han venido acumulando como negociadores, árbitros y abogados de parte en dichos procedimientos, tanto en el ámbito del MERCOSUR como en otros foros nacionales e internacionales.
Upon Dr. Michelson’s death, his successors, attorneys-at-law Guillermo Michelson-Irusta and Jorge Eduardo Michelson-Irusta, the latter until his death in 2010, continued to work in the field of Commercial Law. Today, they are among the main actors participating as private consultants in the restructuring of Argentina’s economy, on issues such as State Reform, Privatization of State Companies, Foreign Direct Investments, and Business Reorganization and Buyouts, just to name a few. By becoming an active player in these areas, our Firm has greatly contributed to the country’s drive towards market opening and globalization.
As regards the globalization process, our Law Firm has become proficiency in a very important area: Dispute Resolution Services by means of non-judicial methods, namely negotiation, mediation and arbitration. The members of our Law Firm have a vast experience as negotiators, arbitrators and lawyers in arbitration proceedings, not only within the Mercosur but also within national and international forums.

Guillermo Michelson


Guillermo Michelson Irusta

Current Partner

G. Martin Michelson Lozano

Current Partner